I am so excited to share a unique offering I have created. Through connecting and trusting in my inner guidance, journaling and dreaming about this soul led vision I can share, Soulful Healing.

Soulful Healing is a space to come as you are, connect deeply with self and go within with love and compassion. This offering is a soul led approach of distance reiki healing infused with some coaching elements that form a harmonious bond.

Soulful Healing uses various healing techniques. These sessions will serve for the highest good of everyone involved. Together we release that which no longer serves you creating space for the new - calling

back your life force which is your birth right to Shine bright your beautiful light. The clearing lasts 90 minutes and includes mini coaching in which I will share insights, tools and techniques that will
support you on your journey- sessions are held over Zoom.


Reiki is an ancient healing energy that was re-discovered by Dr Usui in the late 1800’s. It is defined as Universal or Spiritual (Rei-) Life force or Energy (ki). Reiki is a simple yet powerful healing energy system that helps to restore harmony within the body spiritually, mentally, emotionally and physically. Distance healing is just as powerful as in person, once the intention is set for the highest good of the receiver, the beautiful flow of energy is sent. Even after 1 session people have felt the powerful effects reiki provides, it is recommended 4 sessions. Spacing out 7 days apart, working on the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual healing of the whole self.

You can also sign up for distance reiki healing on its own if you would like that as the only focus in our session together.


The moment you commit to your healing the work begins. An open mind and heart to receive. Soon after you will get an email from me with post session guidance, which includes aftercare and meditations.


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