“The greatest teacher will send you back to yourself” - Nayyirah Waheed

My first introduction to coaching was in my mid 20s, to sum up how I felt in one word was, LOST.

Lost in who I was, what I wanted and how I could say it because I did not believe in myself nor did I think my voice mattered.

When I got to experience what coaching offered I began to understand what I was feeling and why. It was like a fog was lifted, to everyone that knew me I was doing good on the outside but internally I was unclear and uncertain of who I was.

To gain the clarity, compassion and take the action steps towards supporting and encouraging myself unlocked the answers I searched for outside of myself.

Investing in yourself will be the greatest gift you will receive.

Through my own self-inquiry  journey, I discovered more ways I could love and nurture myself , live from a place of openness and curiosity as I adventured the unknown and I began to understand that any tumbles along the way was ok because they would be my stepping stones as I ventured further into the exciting land of possibilities.

Where I am now and what I love

As I travel this journey with you, each of us unique and wonderful. Exploring with a curious mind I like to try new things on a regular, to see what ignites my soul and to be able to share it with you. I am a big lover of my morning routine, my non-negotiables walks in nature that is where my creative side comes alive, you will normally find me by some form of water, either a beach or river because the sound of water frees my mind and gives me peace and calm energy for my day ahead. I practise what I preach with my daily meditations, usually beginning with some light breath work and finishing with a guided meditation. I journal my thoughts, feelings whatever comes up and end on a high with my gratitude and affirmation entries. This practise has served and supported me well and is part of my coaching ritual with my clients. 

What we focus on expands so together we can create a practice as unique and wonderful as you are. 

The power isn’t out there. It’s in you. 

As a certified Life Coach, Reiki Master and teacher, breath-work facilitator and Meditation teacher, my passion is rooted in supporting and guiding you to stand in your power, live your truth, as you reconnect with your inner wisdom to create a life you love by design. Meditation was not part of my life before I trained as a teacher of it and discovered the huge benefits it brings into a persons life and being able to combine it with my coaching practice has brought expansive transformation to my clients lives.  Through my own training and self-development, I truly believe when a safe space is created to share, discover and unwrap old beliefs and patterns we open doors that we never knew existed. This sacred space I have created for my clients is a place to be open and honest with yourself as we work with tools such as :

Energetic work with Dr. Usui and kundalini Reiki Healing 

Conscious Breath-work 

N.L.P ( neuro linguistic programming) 

The power of mind-body connection. 

Confidence building is something close to my heart as it was an area I struggled in, so when I trained with visualization techniques that could empower and uplift a persons state of being I was blown away by its success using a variation of techniques N.L.P can offer has served me well in my own life and clients journeys. 

You can heal your life self development 

Loving the self, a journey within. The creator of these methods that I trained in, Louise hay believed self love was the answer. To be able to give ourselves all we need with releasing all that no longer serves us, powerful affirmations, self-talk, nourishment and compassionately loving ourselves as we travel this journey of life. Empowering practices such as mirror work and inner child work can create clarity and understanding in each persons unique journey. This work has supported me in my coaching practice to share what is possible when we look within with love and kindness. 

Through my training and own life experience I share the power of self-inquiry through journaling, how much we can learn from ourselves when we become curious and open to looking within. Techniques in stress management to bring into your life when overwhelming situations arise, discovering what works best for you as a unique individual. 

My why 

When I was lost in who I was and I went in search for answers for myself and discovered they where within me all along, I then came to the realisation that I wanted to make a difference, to make positive impact on at least one person. Niggling inside me was a voice( my inner wisdom) I ignored it because I felt I was not good enough, not intelligent, not someone who could make a difference but through my life coaching experience and a consistent commitment forever more to myself I unwrapped what beliefs, labels were holding me back and I choose to listen to that voice telling me to go for it. 

My mission is to create clarity, to support and empower you on your journey like the guidance I received all those years ago because we are limitless and when we discover this anything is possible, we shine bright that light from within. 

Sending love and gratitude to you
