I have faced many challenges (in life and business) and I’ve coached many people through life-changing experiences. As a lifelong learner of supporting people on this human journey I have extensively researched this question:

How can tiny changes account for such radical transformation?

Coaching is powerful and impactful.

And I help my clients make these tiny shifts that change everything. To be very upfront and honest I spent some time of my life feeling power-less. I looked outside myself for the answers that where already present within. I could appear confident and bubbly on the outside whilst totally lacking it deep down, on the inside.

Having experienced and explored that time in my life of feeling power-less turned out to be the gift that now helps me in supporting my clients to tap into the POWERFUL CREATOR  I know that they are.

You see it took me some time to heal, learn and reconnect to that empowering energy because I thought for so long it was outside of me but through diving in deeper, creating an aligned plan of action and feeling the life enhancing, powerful change I went on a journey and created my transformational program ALIGNMENT.

Does this sound like you?

• You are visionary
• You are open to new ways of learning
• You are ready to take back charge of your life
• You don't want to play small anymore, you are ready to take action
• You are ready to commit to the change that will transform your life
• As you read this list you also may feel some of the following. Old and new fears creeping up, pre-conceived limitations, doubts, disempowering dialogue. Feelings of stagnancy. Uncertainty of what direction to go in life, disconnected from self.

    I share this because we are all together in this human experience of life and Feel one or more of the above but also have an inner knowing that there is so much more for us and if you have read this far then I know you want and deserve to create it.


    This program is unique in its offering as I have carefully combined my skills and passions of my services to create a mind, body and soul transformation. Working both with my mindset coaching where I bring my skills of neuro linguistic reprogramming, inner child work, Louise Hay healing old cycles, tailored growth work and combining this with the gentle yet powerful healing modality of reiki energy. Having found Reiki a few years back or should I say it found me, has been a huge part of my life changing transformation as it brought me on the path of healing on a whole and sharing this beautiful energy with my clients has led me in meshing both the mindset and energetics together to form this mind, body and soul elevation.

    How does it work?

    This program is broken into a 3 month and 6 month period of working together. It is a weekly session of 90 minutes either via zoom or in-person. My client's check in between sessions for extra support via email or WhatsApp. I have found this extra service to be a huge support in accountability and momentum in creating the long lasting change. Over the last few years I have dived deep with my own mentors, healers in unlocking my full potential for my coaching and reiki healing practice to create offerings that support my clients to the full in making the big changes they want in their lives. Having invested within I have seen first hand the empowering and life changing transformation that happens when we play all out in our lives, no more dimming or playing small.

    It is time to be the powerful creator that you are.


    Client Appreciation

    When I had my initial call with Corinne to discuss the program, I felt quite confident in my professional life. My Business was thriving but personally I felt unfulfilled, lacked in energy and really I did not know how to approach it. I spent so many years managing everyone else who worked for me that I did not know what I wanted. Corinne made me feel seen and heard, she has this gentle yet encouraging way of supporting you to create the change. In the sessions I had a space to explore areas I never even knew existed within me, I found myself finding fun and enjoyment in my life and even went back playing guitar. A time in my life where I felt most free, creative and fulfilled. From the reiki I found a big boost in clarity and my energy levels. Healing through areas I pushed away for too long, helped me so much as Corinne would say "Opening my arms up to so much happiness and what is for my highest good". I worked with Corinne for 6 months and honestly I have discovered and done so much in that space of time that I feel re-energized to keep this path of investment going with myself. I feel unlimited and excited for my future.

    Thank you Corinne.


    When I first begun with Corinne I had been qualified as a Life coach for over 2 years and I had so many dreams of what I wanted my business to look and feel like but I had overwhelming imposter syndrome. To the point that it held me back from putting myself out into the world, no socials, no advertisement which placed me in a position of no potential clients. I knew I needed support and I had met Corinne at an event she held that flipped the way I was looking at my business so much so I reached out and we began working together straight away. I have always been someone who wanted an instant fix by signing up to "Feel better in 21 days" courses so when we started working together I struggled to slow everything down but one thing that stuck out for me was what Corinne said, "We need to slow down to speed up". It really hit me, if I wanted to make an impact and huge changes I needed to connect to my truth and scale it all back.  Be me and share that gift I was holding back for too long. What an adventure we went on, It is only when I write this here that I am really thinking of how far I have come. I not only launched my very successful online business but I have put myself in spaces that have allowed me to push so far outside my comfort zone that I feel unbelievably proud and excited for what else is to come. I have spoke at empowering women events, held my own intimate gatherings and now have created a business that feels in alignment with who I am. No more second guessing because it feels true for me and that shows in the feedback I receive from my clients. I worked with Corinne for 6 months and I have recently signed up for a 3 month period as I have another huge goal I know will be amazing but I know I will create even more magic with the support of Corinne.

    Thank you Corinne.
